What It Is I See In You
Road Trip
The Vibe
Making the Bed
Ride of Your Life
Desert Rain
Three Kings
Close to the Chest
Lullabye in Blue
I write it because it's interesting. I write it because I keep finding things
to say. I write it because I'm a better, wiser, more tolerant person than I
was before I went there. I write it because Alexa loves them. I write it because
I watch them fall in love all over, every time.
Twenty-Eight Days
Love's a cycle, bright and dark, over and over, always and forever. So is life,
actually. Also, the things I wrote about Tara and her search for family, I wrote
before the episode "Family" aired. Joss, once again, stealing all my Tara ideas.
How Glory Goes
Good Time Girls
Rose Red
Darker than 28, sweeter than What It Is. The Belgian chocolate of my fanfic
oeuvre. Something about Elaine's similarities to Fraser -- the perfectionism,
the reserve, the understated and unassuming nobility -- makes me think Francesca
could find herself falling in love.
Happily Ever After
East O the Sun, West O the Moon
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
The trilogy is uneven in quality (EastWest is probably one of my best efforts;
AshesAshes probably holds down the other end of the spectrum), but I continue
to love it because of its three different perspectives on Fraser and his sometimes
fumbling attempts at trust and intimacy. It strikes me as a kind of ghost story,
but your mileage may vary on that one.